Unlocking the Future: $ROCI Roadmap Unveiled

We are thrilled to unveil our ambitious roadmap for the upcoming quarters, filled with groundbreaking initiatives that will propel $ROCI to new heights. Let’s dive into the exciting developments that await you in the coming months!

Q1 2024

$ROCI Staking

Ask and you shall receive.

The community requested staking of $ROCI to make it more productive for holders. This will be released in Q1 with transaction fees from trading and credit scoring used to purchase ETH which will be deposited to $ROCI stakers, pro-rata. Additional boosts via $ROCI on top of ETH for certain staking period durations will be provided. Initial staking will have a limited capacity and ‘first come, first serve.’

$ROCI LP Rewards

Don’t talk about it, be about it.

The community has requested greater liquidity for the $ROCI trading pair on Uniswap. To that end, we will be rolling out a liquidity provider (LP) scheme that strongly rewards individuals that lock liquidity in the trading pool for certain periods of time. The incentive structure will account for potential impermanent loss to protect LPs. Furthermore, the lock periods will coincide with $ROCI Staking so that LPs can deposit their fresh stash of $ROCI into the next staking pool (if space is available) to earn ETH.

Q2 2024

ROCK v2 Litepaper

Details matter.

To make ROCK successful, a myriad of technical and business considerations need to be achieved. A responsible document that details how each economic agent will interact with ROCK; including the incentives that will govern it is required. V2 litepaper will accomplish the aforementioned.

Early Node Registration

Any takers?

With the release of ROCK v2, key agents like potential Node operators will have the ability to pre-register. Registration will have a limited capacity and ultimate approval will be needed by governance before becoming official. As the network grows more stable, anyone will have the ability to be a ROCK Node operator; driving maximum decentralization and robustness.

Q3 2024


Trust but verify.

In order for the protocol to reach its full potential, it must be decentralized and governed by a ‘hive mind’ of community members with “skin in the game”, i.e. $ROCI. Furthermore, many community members have ideas, feedback, and more which they want implemented to improve the protocol. This naturally conflicts with a core team’s ability to handle given they cannot be ‘all things to all people.’ The importance of the community voting and implementing key changes is paramount.

Q4 2024

Node Software Testing

If you build they will break it.

Pre-registered Node operators will be the first to receive access to the ROCK client software. They will be responsible for testing and providing much needed feedback to the community’s developers. Armed with feedback in hand, the final touches will be put on the software before released into the wild.

Beta Node Software Launch

Came for the tech but stayed for the cheddar.

The first version of the full client software will be launched and supported by the first batch of Node operators. As bugs are discovered, they will be remediated accordingly. As the system becomes more robust, the DAO will ‘ween off’ current protocols leveraging credit scores from web2 API to ROCK via Growth Mining DAO allocation of $ROCI. During the transition period, Node operators will be subsidized by $ROCI rewards set aside by the DAO before ROCK starts generating sufficient standalone fees.

